
Monday, February 3, 2014

Garage Flooring: Improve Your Garage's Look with a New Epoxy Floor

There is not better way to improve a garage's appearance than have your cement floor covered with a new epoxy floor coating. Epoxy floors look great, make clean-up and maintainance easier, and offer a lifetime of perfromace.

Huntsville Garage Shapeups is the local Huntsville/Madison epoxy flooring company.They are a active member of the Huntsville Home Builder's Association and have been doing garage makeovers in the Huntsville/Madison area since 2011. They have estbalished themselves as the leader in garage epoxy floor installation. They offer crack repair and stem wall coverage is also available to give your garage a real neat finished look.

Every Huntsville Garage Shapeup floor carrys a Lifetime Warranty. It is guaranteed not to crack, peel, fade or stain. Most floors are installed in 1 to 2 days.

Call Huntsville Garage Shapeups at 1-800-214-4311 to schedule a free estimate. Visit Huntsville Garage Shapeups Epoxy Flooring for more information.

1 comment:

  1. I love pine flooring more than any other flooring. Your installation is gorgeous and I love the interesting layout that you've done.
    floor installation milwaukee
